Teaching metacognitive strategies in the classroom improves student outcomes. Learn what metacognition is, why it’s so important, and how to teach it.
Children are naturally curious. Engaging nonfiction books are a practical and fun way to celebrate curiosity with children. Nonfiction and informational books are no longer like an encyclopedia entry. Today’s nonfiction engages children with beautiful words, insightful information, and engaging images. Kids need—and love—nonfiction.
Lasting and meaningful changes occur when a school community works as a team to identify needs and investigate alternatives. There may not be one single tool that will help you determine your school’s reading temperature, but experts Laura and Evan Robb provide helpful tips for creating a process to evaluate your school’s culture of reading.
Learning at the reading table begins with fostering each students’ confidence and courage to read as you continue to guide and coach through more complex and difficult text. If we lean in to teaching in small groups, adjusting our teaching to ensure students' highest reading potential, we can make a difference.
Reading volume matters! The goal of developing schools full of readers can best be achieved when the principal, teachers, literacy coaches, and the media specialist become a team and advocate for independent reading every day. Laura Robb outlines easy-to-implement tips for increasing students' reading fluency, comprehension, and imagination.
The culture of a school can set the tone for educational excellence. In this blog post, principal and author Evan Robb outlines easy but impactful steps to creating a school-wide culture of reading.