Benchmark Phonics Intervention

Benchmark Phonics Intervention

Print + Digital  •  Grades K-5

Explicit, Systematic Phonics Support for Students Performing Below Grade Level

Benchmark Phonics Intervention is a foundational skills reading program with phonics intervention lessons that support students performing below grade level. 

Based on the latest Science of Reading research, this Tier 3 intervention program aligns with the tenets of structured literacy shown to be beneficial for students with dyslexia and other learning disabilities.  

Benchmark Phonics Intervention provides:

  • For each level, 30 units focused on a single skill with 10 lessons per skill.
  • Multi-modal, cumulative instruction to foster language learning.
  • A wealth of decodable texts for student practice and repetition.
  • Flexibility, giving teachers options to customize the pace, intensity, and focus of learning as needed.


  • A digital experience with an interactive student/teacher interface.
  • 4 Levels, each delivering 30 units focused on a specific skill, with 10 lessons per skill.
  • A suite of assessments to evaluate students’ needs and monitor their progress.
  • Direct connection to the Benchmark Advance scope and sequence, which aligns to CCSS and all state standards.  
  • And much more!

Interactive resources and instruction for Benchmark Phonics Intervention are available at the digital learning portal, Benchmark Universe. 

Watch this video to see the full scope of what Benchmark Intervention Phonics offers.

Your print and digital student package includes “Reading Collection” consumable student books
30 per level, 1 per unit, each with:

  • Daily decodable readings featuring engaging passages and beautiful artwork
  • A variety of text types and genres (fiction, informational, functional text, cumulative sentences, poems, rhymes, riddles)
  • Application to reading and writing—where the learning sticks
  • Review games
Informational Texts
Cumulative Sentences
Functional Text
Cumulative Assessments
Word Sorts
Review Games

Your print and digital teacher package contains:

  • Built-in Professional Development support
  • Teacher's Guides — 30 units, 10 lessons per unit, with:
    - Daily 3-part, 20-minute lessons with optional 10-minute booster lessons

    - Dyslexia supports
    - English Learner supports focusing on sound transfer, articulation, and vocabulary

  • Read-Aloud Cards — 30 units, 5 large poster-size cards per unit, providing:
    - Essential exposure to rich vocabulary
    - Comprehension builders
    - Dynamic visuals and clear labels to engage and support all students
Front of Read-Aloud Card, Unit 3 Lesson 2
Back of Read-Aloud Card, Unit 3 Lesson 2

Benchmark Phonics Intervention provides powerful support to students through a variety of manipulatives, including:

  • Sound Wall Cards that enable students to see correct mouth positions when making sounds
  • Sound-Spelling Cards, in both display and instructional use sizes, to help students recognize different spelling patterns used to represent a single sound
  • Picture Cards to introduce key words for a new sound
  • Vocabulary Cards to enable students to use many rich Tier 2 words from each unit’s Read-Aloud Cards
  • High-Frequency Word Cards to help students build automaticity with words found in multiple texts
  • Phonics Cards for practice, review, and building automaticity with isolated sound-spellings
  • Phonics Workmats for use as Elkonin boxes, whiteboards for spelling and dictation, and more

A robust suite of assessments enable diagnostic, comprehensive, and cumulative assessment. 

Quick Phonics Assessment (with Quick Spelling Assessment), a comprehensive phonics and spelling survey by Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D.

The Assessment & Screener Handbook, to help evaluate students’ reading rates, document their progress, and identify those needing additional, more intensive support

Intensive Phonological Awareness, featuring routines, assessments, and activities for each of the 17 key phonological/phonemic awareness skills.

Weekly cumulative assessments within each student reading collection, to provide easy checks for mastery and/or decayed learning 

Foundational Skills Assessment can be administered digitally with Benchmark Universe! Data-driven results directs student placement into a suggested instructional sequence. Includes: 

  • Quick Phonics Assessment (QPA)
  • Quick Spelling Assessment (QSA)
  • Phonological & Phonemic Awareness Assessment
  • High-Frequency Word Screener

Where to Start?

Wiley Blevins created an initial assessment to support placement and ordering.

Benchmark Phonics Intervention delivers a fully digital experience, with everything you need just one click away. Complete digital access includes:


  • Ready-made, explicit, multi-modal lessons
  • An eBook for each consumable
  • Articulation Videos that show students the correct mouth positions as they hear the letter-sounds
  • A pre-populated ePocketChart with customizable interactive tools and resources
  • Video support for each key routine
  • Point-of-use Professional Development Videos with expert insights from Wiley Blevins
  • Online assessments
  • And much more!


ePocket Chart

Articulation Videos

Professional Development Videos

Benchmark Phonics Intervention  is a Tier 3 phonics intervention program that provides systematic, explicit phonics instruction to students who are two or more years below level, students with dyslexia, and students with other learning disabilities who struggle with learning to read.  The following documents provide the research foundation and evidence for the program: 


Need help with determining  what to order? 


Scope and Sequence: If you have assessment data, use the Scope and Sequence to determine what levels you need. 


Quick Placement Assessment: If you don’t have assessment data, use the Quick Placement Assessment to determine which levels you need. 


Download to learn more about Benchmark Phonics Intervention.

Virtual Samples

Experience Benchmark Phonics Intervention with virtual samples of program components and ordering support.

Scope and Sequence

See the systematic scope and sequence developed with Wiley Blevins. 

Success Story

Explicit Phonics Instruction Moves the Needle.

8 Items

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  1. Phonics Intervention Level 1 5-Student Package Print and Digital 1-Year
    Phonics Intervention Level 1 5-Student Package Print and Digital 1-Year WW-XY10203

    Developed with early literacy expert Wiley Blevins, Ed.D., Benchmark Phonics Intervention is an explicit, systematic, fully comprehensive phonics solution for Tier 3 intervention—ideal for students performing two or more years below grade-level expectations. This kindergarten level program is based on the latest Science of Reading Research and aligns with the tenets of Structured Literacy, delivering resources beneficial to all students, including those with dyslexia and other learning challenges. The multi-modal, cumulative instruction fosters language learning, and a wealth of decodable texts foster student practice and repetition.Developed with early literacy expert Wiley Blevins, Ed.D., Benchmark Phonics Intervention is an explicit, systematic, fully comprehensive phonics solution for Tier 3 intervention—ideal for students performing two or more years below grade-level expectations. This kindergarten level program is based on the latest Science of Reading Research and aligns with the tenets of Structured Literacy, delivering resources beneficial to all students, including those with dyslexia and other learning challenges. The multi-modal, cumulative instruction fosters language learning, and a wealth of decodable texts foster student practice and repetition.

  2. Phonics Intervention Level 2 5-Student Package Print and Digital 1-Year
    Phonics Intervention Level 2 5-Student Package Print and Digital 1-Year WW-XY10204

    Developed with early literacy expert Wiley Blevins, Ed.D., Benchmark Phonics Intervention is an explicit, systematic, fully comprehensive phonics solution for Tier 3 intervention—ideal for students performing two or more years below grade-level expectations. This first-grade level program is based on the latest Science of Reading Research and aligns with the tenets of Structured Literacy, delivering resources beneficial to all students, including those with dyslexia and other learning challenges. The multi-modal, cumulative instruction fosters language learning, and a wealth of decodable texts foster student practice and repetition.

  3. Phonics Intervention Level 3 5-Student Package Print and Digital 1-Year
    Phonics Intervention Level 3 5-Student Package Print and Digital 1-Year WW-XY10205

    Developed with early literacy expert Wiley Blevins, Ed.D., Benchmark Phonics Intervention is an explicit, systematic, fully comprehensive phonics solution for Tier 3 intervention—ideal for students performing two or more years below grade-level expectations. This second-grade level program is based on the latest Science of Reading Research and aligns with the tenets of Structured Literacy, delivering resources beneficial to all students, including those with dyslexia and other learning challenges. The multi-modal, cumulative instruction fosters language learning, and a wealth of decodable texts foster student practice and repetition.

  4. Phonics Intervention Level 4 5-Student Package Print and Digital 1-Year
    Phonics Intervention Level 4 5-Student Package Print and Digital 1-Year WW-XY10206

    Developed with early literacy expert Wiley Blevins, Ed.D., Benchmark Phonics Intervention is an explicit, systematic, fully comprehensive phonics solution for Tier 3 intervention—ideal for students performing two or more years below grade-level expectations. This third-grade level program is based on the latest Science of Reading Research and aligns with the tenets of Structured Literacy, delivering resources beneficial to all students, including those with dyslexia and other learning challenges. The multi-modal, cumulative instruction fosters language learning, and a wealth of decodable texts foster student practice and repetition.

  5. Phonics Intervention Level 1 Teacher Package Print and Digital 1-Year
    Phonics Intervention Level 1 Teacher Package Print and Digital 1-Year WW-XY8132

    Developed with early literacy expert Wiley Blevins, Ed.D., Benchmark Phonics Intervention is an explicit, systematic, fully comprehensive phonics solution for Tier 3 intervention—ideal for students performing two or more years below grade-level expectations. This kindergarten level program is based on the latest Science of Reading Research and aligns with the tenets of Structured Literacy, delivering resources beneficial to all students, including those with dyslexia and other learning challenges. The multi-modal, cumulative instruction fosters language learning, and a wealth of decodable texts foster student practice and repetition. Designed with flexibility, the program enables teachers to customize the pace, intensity, and focus of learning as needed, and offers multiple levels of differentiated professional development.

    Grade K
  6. Phonics Intervention Level 2 Teacher Package Print and Digital 1-Year
    Phonics Intervention Level 2 Teacher Package Print and Digital 1-Year WW-XY8133

    Developed with early literacy expert Wiley Blevins, Ed.D., Benchmark Phonics Intervention is an explicit, systematic, fully comprehensive phonics solution for Tier 3 intervention—ideal for students performing two or more years below grade-level expectations. This first-grade level program is based on the latest Science of Reading Research and aligns with the tenets of Structured Literacy, delivering resources beneficial to all students, including those with dyslexia and other learning challenges. The multi-modal, cumulative instruction fosters language learning, and a wealth of decodable texts foster student practice and repetition. Designed with flexibility, the program enables teachers to customize the pace, intensity, and focus of learning as needed, and offers multiple levels of differentiated professional development. 

    Grade 1
  7. Phonics Intervention Level 3 Teacher Package Print and Digital 1-Year
    Phonics Intervention Level 3 Teacher Package Print and Digital 1-Year WW-XY8134

    Developed with early literacy expert Wiley Blevins, Ed.D., Benchmark Phonics Intervention is an explicit, systematic, fully comprehensive phonics solution for Tier 3 intervention—ideal for students performing two or more years below grade-level expectations. This second-grade level program is based on the latest Science of Reading Research and aligns with the tenets of Structured Literacy, delivering resources beneficial to all students, including those with dyslexia and other learning challenges. The multi-modal, cumulative instruction fosters language learning, and a wealth of decodable texts foster student practice and repetition. Designed with flexibility, the program enables teachers to customize the pace, intensity, and focus of learning as needed, and offers multiple levels of differentiated professional development.

    Grade 2
  8. Phonics Intervention Level 4 Teacher Package Print and Digital 1-Year
    Phonics Intervention Level 4 Teacher Package Print and Digital 1-Year WW-XY8135

    Developed with early literacy expert Wiley Blevins, Ed.D., Benchmark Phonics Intervention is an explicit, systematic, fully comprehensive phonics solution for Tier 3 intervention—ideal for students performing two or more years below grade-level expectations. This third-grade level program is based on the latest Science of Reading Research and aligns with the tenets of Structured Literacy, delivering resources beneficial to all students, including those with dyslexia and other learning challenges. The multi-modal, cumulative instruction fosters language learning, and a wealth of decodable texts foster student practice and repetition. Designed with flexibility, the program enables teachers to customize the pace, intensity, and focus of learning as needed, and offers multiple levels of differentiated professional development.

    Grade 3 - 5