English/Spanish Sound-Spelling Transfer Kit Complete Program with 1-Year Subscription

Develop foundational skills and vocabulary for transfer between Spanish and English with this innovative and comprehensive program authored by Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes. Build on students’ understanding of their native language and teach them to apply what they know to a new language. Engaging lap books help teach letters and sounds through shared reading. Other resources include Picture Word Cards, Teaching Routines & Strategies Cards, Sound-Spelling Letter Cards, Home Connection exercises, and online support.

  • 101 Sound-Spelling Cards
  • 486 Picture Word Cards
  • 2 ABC Lap Books
  • 2 Teacher's Handbooks
  • Online Subscription (1 year)
Grade K - 2
Language English, Spanish
Grade K - 2
Language English, Spanish
Content Area Language Arts
ISBN 9781532217524
Genre Informational Texts
Format Print + Online Subscription
Lexile level BR - BR70L
Configuration Set
Theme Addition and Subtraction, Animals, At Home At School, Communities, Comparing Numbers, Economics, Forces and Motion, Habitats, Life Cycles, Matter, Money, Number Families, Patterns and Shapes, Plants, Rules, Rules and Government, Symbols, The Environment, Water and Weather, Weather and Seasons, World Communities
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English/Spanish Sound-Spelling Transfer Kit Complete Program with 1-Year Subscription

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English/Spanish Sound-Spelling Transfer Kit Complete Program with 1-Year Subscription


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Develop foundational skills and vocabulary for transfer between Spanish and English with this innovative and comprehensive program authored by Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes. Build on students’ understanding of their native language and teach them to apply what they know to a new language. Engaging lap books help teach letters and sounds through shared reading. Other resources include Picture Word Cards, Teaching Routines & Strategies Cards, Sound-Spelling Letter Cards, Home Connection exercises, and online support.

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Develop foundational skills and vocabulary for transfer between Spanish and English with this innovative and comprehensive program authored by Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes. Build on students’ understanding of their native language and teach them to apply what they know to a new language. Engaging lap books help teach letters and sounds through shared reading. Other resources include Picture Word Cards, Teaching Routines & Strategies Cards, Sound-Spelling Letter Cards, Home Connection exercises, and online support.

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  • 101 Sound-Spelling Cards
  • 486 Picture Word Cards
  • 2 ABC Lap Books
  • 2 Teacher's Handbooks
  • Online Subscription (1 year)

Develop foundational skills and vocabulary for transfer between Spanish and English with this innovative and comprehensive program authored by Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes. Build on students’ understanding of their native language and teach them to apply what they know to a new language. Engaging lap books help teach letters and sounds through shared reading. Other resources include Picture Word Cards, Teaching Routines & Strategies Cards, Sound-Spelling Letter Cards, Home Connection exercises, and online support.

Read Full Description
  • 101 Sound-Spelling Cards
  • 486 Picture Word Cards
  • 2 ABC Lap Books
  • 2 Teacher's Handbooks
  • Online Subscription (1 year)
Series Sound-Spelling Trans Sound-Spelling Transfer Kit
Grade K - 2
Language English, Spanish
Content Area Language Arts
ISBN 9781532217524
Genre Informational Texts
Format Print + Online Subsc Print + Online Subscription
Lexile level BR - BR70L
Configuration Set
Theme Addition and Subtrac Addition and Subtraction, Animals, At Home At School, Communities, Comparing Numbers, Economics, Forces and Motion, Habitats, Life Cycles, Matter, Money, Number Families, Patterns and Shapes, Plants, Rules, Rules and Government, Symbols, The Environment, Water and Weather, Weather and Seasons, World Communities


Full Description

Develop foundational skills and vocabulary for transfer between Spanish and English with this innovative and comprehensive program authored by Silvia Dorta-Duque de Reyes. Build on students’ understanding of their native language and teach them to apply what they know to a new language. Engaging lap books help teach letters and sounds through shared reading. Other resources include Picture Word Cards, Teaching Routines & Strategies Cards, Sound-Spelling Letter Cards, Home Connection exercises, and online support.

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