eBook Library I English I School-Wide I K-8 I Digital Subscription 1yr

English eBook Library offers K-8 teachers, students, and families 24/7 access to 3,000 books that support instruction, student choice, and independent reading. Benefit from new releases and search options across all content areas and instructional focus needs.

  • Online Subscription (1 year)
SKU WW-X93398
eBook Leveled Libraries,
Grade PreK - 9
Language English
SKU WW-X93398
Series eBook Leveled Libraries,
Grade PreK - 9
Language English
Content Area Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies
ISBN 9781667774206
ELL Level 1 - 5
Genre Animal Fantasy, Biography, Dialogue, Drama, Fables, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Fiction, Folktales, Fractured Classic, Graphic Story, Historical Fiction, Informational/Explanatory, informational Reports, Informational Texts, Interview, Journals, Legends, Memoirs, Mystery, Myths, Myths and Legends, Narrative, Novel, Nursery Rhyme, Opinion/Argument, Opinion Piece, Personal Narratives, Persuasive Essays, Persuasive Letters, Plays, Poem Oratory, Poetry, Pourquoi Tales, Procedural Text, Realistic Fiction, Reviews, Science Fiction, Simple Essay, Short Story, Song, Tall Tales, Travelogue, Trickster Tales, Variant Tales
Format Online Subscription
Lexile level BR - BR90L
Configuration Collection
Theme 19th Century Communities, 20th Century History, A Changing Nation, Addition and Subtraction, Agents of Change, All About Me, American Experiences, Ancient Civilizations, Animal Adaptations, Animal Behavior, Animal Life Cycles, Animals, Animals in the Neighborhood, Arts and Culture, At Home At School, Becoming a World Power, Being a Good Citizen, Biography, Biology, Career, Celebrations, Chemistry, Citizens and Government, Citizenship, Civics and Citizenship, Civilizations of the Americas, Coins and Money, Communities, Comparing Numbers, Counting, Courage in Hard Times, Culture, Decimals, Dreamers and Inventors, Early Explorers, Early River Civilizations, Earth and Sky, Earth and Space, Earth's Waters, Ecology, Economics, Electricity and Magnetism, Energy, Estimation, Exploring the Sea, Fairness and Equality, Fairy Tales All Around, Families and Friends, Food for Health, Food for Life, Forces and Energy, Forces and Motion, Fractions and Equivalent Fractions, From East to West, Geography, Geography in Our World, Geometry, Getting From Place to Place, Government and Citizenship, Goods and Services, Government, Government in Action, Growing and Changing, Growing Things, Growing Up in Tough Times, Habitats, Health and Nutrition, Historical Communities, History, Historical Biographies, How To, Human Body, In Motion, Inventors and Innovations, Invention and Technology, Jobs, Justice for All, Learning About Earth's Past, Life Cycles, Life on Earth, Light and Sound, Living and Nonliving Things, Living in Communities, Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Making a Living, Matter, Measuring, Meteorology, Money, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication and Estimation, My Body, My Emotions, My Five Senses, My Neighborhood, Myself and My Family, Myths from Long Ago and Far Away, Narrative Fiction, Native American Voices, Native Americans, Neighborhoods and Communities, Number Families, Numbers and Operations, Numbers in Real Life, Nutrition and Exercise, One World, Many Cultures, Oral Traditions, Organisms, Organisms Past and Present, Our Changing Earth, Our Environment, Our Physical World, Our Solar System, Out of This World with Words, Past and Present, Patterns and Shapes, People Who Changed Our World, Perimeter and Area, Perplexing Puzzles, Plant Reproduction, Plants, Plants and Animals, Predicting with Data, Process of Science, Regions of the United States, Resources, Revolutionary Times, Rocks and Minerals, Rules, Rules and Government, Safety, School, Scientific Achievements, Scientific Investigation, Senses, Settling America, Sort and Classify, Subtraction, Staying Healthy, Staying Safe and Healthy, Stories from Many Times and Places, Stories of American Life, Storms, Storybook Lessons for Life, Symbols, Taking Flight, Telling Time, The American Revolution, The Civil War, The Civil War: An America Divided, The Colonies, The Constitution, The Earth Beneath Our Feet, The Earth We Share, The Environment, The Human Body, The Renaissance, The Solar System, The Universe, Then and Now, Tools and Technology, Tools at Work, Transportation, Two-Dimensional Shapes, United States History, Using Graphs Maps and Charts, Using Maps, Water and Weather, Water World, We Get Along, Weather, Weather and Seasons, Weather and the Sky, Weathering the Storm, What Changes Our Earth, Words Shape Our World, World Communities, World Cultures, World Geography, World War II
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eBook Library I English I School-Wide I K-8 I Digital Subscription 1yr

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eBook Library I English I School-Wide I K-8 I Digital Subscription 1yr


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English eBook Library offers K-8 teachers, students, and families 24/7 access to 3,000 books that support instruction, student choice, and independent reading. Benefit from new releases and search options across all content areas and instructional focus needs.

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English eBook Library offers K-8 teachers, students, and families 24/7 access to 3,000 books that support instruction, student choice, and independent reading. Benefit from new releases and search options across all content areas and instructional focus needs.

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  • Online Subscription (1 year)

English eBook Library offers K-8 teachers, students, and families 24/7 access to 3,000 books that support instruction, student choice, and independent reading. Benefit from new releases and search options across all content areas and instructional focus needs.

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  • Online Subscription (1 year)
SKU WW-X93398
Series eBook Leveled Librar eBook Leveled Libraries
Grade PreK - 9
Language English
Content Area Language Arts, Math, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies
ISBN 9781667774206
ELL Level 1 - 5
Genre Animal Fantasy, Biog Animal Fantasy, Biography, Dialogue, Drama, Fables, Fairy Tales, Fantasy, Fiction, Folktales, Fractured Classic, Graphic Story, Historical Fiction, Informational/Explanatory, informational Reports, Informational Texts, Interview, Journals, Legends, Memoirs, Mystery, Myths, Myths and Legends, Narrative, Novel, Nursery Rhyme, Opinion/Argument, Opinion Piece, Personal Narratives, Persuasive Essays, Persuasive Letters, Plays, Poem Oratory, Poetry, Pourquoi Tales, Procedural Text, Realistic Fiction, Reviews, Science Fiction, Simple Essay, Short Story, Song, Tall Tales, Travelogue, Trickster Tales, Variant Tales
Format Online Subscription
Lexile level BR - BR90L
Configuration Collection
Theme 19th Century Communi 19th Century Communities, 20th Century History, A Changing Nation, Addition and Subtraction, Agents of Change, All About Me, American Experiences, Ancient Civilizations, Animal Adaptations, Animal Behavior, Animal Life Cycles, Animals, Animals in the Neighborhood, Arts and Culture, At Home At School, Becoming a World Power, Being a Good Citizen, Biography, Biology, Career, Celebrations, Chemistry, Citizens and Government, Citizenship, Civics and Citizenship, Civilizations of the Americas, Coins and Money, Communities, Comparing Numbers, Counting, Courage in Hard Times, Culture, Decimals, Dreamers and Inventors, Early Explorers, Early River Civilizations, Earth and Sky, Earth and Space, Earth's Waters, Ecology, Economics, Electricity and Magnetism, Energy, Estimation, Exploring the Sea, Fairness and Equality, Fairy Tales All Around, Families and Friends, Food for Health, Food for Life, Forces and Energy, Forces and Motion, Fractions and Equivalent Fractions, From East to West, Geography, Geography in Our World, Geometry, Getting From Place to Place, Government and Citizenship, Goods and Services, Government, Government in Action, Growing and Changing, Growing Things, Growing Up in Tough Times, Habitats, Health and Nutrition, Historical Communities, History, Historical Biographies, How To, Human Body, In Motion, Inventors and Innovations, Invention and Technology, Jobs, Justice for All, Learning About Earth's Past, Life Cycles, Life on Earth, Light and Sound, Living and Nonliving Things, Living in Communities, Looking Back, Looking Ahead, Making a Living, Matter, Measuring, Meteorology, Money, Multiplication and Division, Multiplication and Estimation, My Body, My Emotions, My Five Senses, My Neighborhood, Myself and My Family, Myths from Long Ago and Far Away, Narrative Fiction, Native American Voices, Native Americans, Neighborhoods and Communities, Number Families, Numbers and Operations, Numbers in Real Life, Nutrition and Exercise, One World, Many Cultures, Oral Traditions, Organisms, Organisms Past and Present, Our Changing Earth, Our Environment, Our Physical World, Our Solar System, Out of This World with Words, Past and Present, Patterns and Shapes, People Who Changed Our World, Perimeter and Area, Perplexing Puzzles, Plant Reproduction, Plants, Plants and Animals, Predicting with Data, Process of Science, Regions of the United States, Resources, Revolutionary Times, Rocks and Minerals, Rules, Rules and Government, Safety, School, Scientific Achievements, Scientific Investigation, Senses, Settling America, Sort and Classify, Subtraction, Staying Healthy, Staying Safe and Healthy, Stories from Many Times and Places, Stories of American Life, Storms, Storybook Lessons for Life, Symbols, Taking Flight, Telling Time, The American Revolution, The Civil War, The Civil War: An America Divided, The Colonies, The Constitution, The Earth Beneath Our Feet, The Earth We Share, The Environment, The Human Body, The Renaissance, The Solar System, The Universe, Then and Now, Tools and Technology, Tools at Work, Transportation, Two-Dimensional Shapes, United States History, Using Graphs Maps and Charts, Using Maps, Water and Weather, Water World, We Get Along, Weather, Weather and Seasons, Weather and the Sky, Weathering the Storm, What Changes Our Earth, Words Shape Our World, World Communities, World Cultures, World Geography, World War II


Full Description

English eBook Library offers K-8 teachers, students, and families 24/7 access to 3,000 books that support instruction, student choice, and independent reading. Benefit from new releases and search options across all content areas and instructional focus needs.

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