Welcome, Virginia Educators!

Explore State-Approved and Fully Connected Literacy Resources

Advance with Integrated Solutions

Create a powerful force for building literacy proficiency and knowledge. Tap into top-quality, connected programs comprising robust, intuitively designed, and highly effective resources for teachers and students. At the core of these cohesive, interrelated solutions is the award-winning Benchmark Advance.

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The Knowledge-Based
Literacy Solution

Virginia Literacy Act-Approved

Print + Digital | English & Spanish

Aligned with Science of Reading research, Benchmark Advance is a core language arts program that provides a cohesive structure for the development of literacy skills and content knowledge.

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Prepare for Kindergarten by Building and Integrating Knowledge Across Learning Domains

Comprehensive PreK Program

Virginia Literacy Act-Approved

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Research-based and grounded in an understanding of how children learn, Ready to Advance blends social-emotional development with academic learning. Ten thematic units feature topics that build domain-specific knowledge and early literacy skills.

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Maximize Your Instruction

In full alignment and correlation with Benchmark Advance, these programs deliver everything you need for phonics skill-building, English language development, and intervention for striving students.

Start Up Build Up Spiral Up Phonics

Print + Digital • Grades K-2+

This flexible resource, designed for just-in-time reteaching or Tier 2 intervention for students struggling with phonics skills, aligns with Science of Reading research and the tenets of Structured Literacy and is presented in a grab-and-go skills bag format.

Start Up Build Up Spiral Up Phonics is tied directly to core phonics instruction in Benchmark Advance. As per the Virginia Literacy Act, it is also approved for specific instructional use.

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Connection to Benchmark Advance
Same phonics scope and sequence
Same concepts and knowledge building
Same write-in student book format
Same skills and strategies
VLA-Approved for Use
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness

Benchmark Phonics Intervention

Print + Digital • Grades K-5

This foundational skills reading program provides explicit, systematic, multimodal phonics intervention lessons that support students performing below grade level, including those with dyslexia and other learning challenges.

Benchmark Phonics Intervention is tied to core instruction in Benchmark Advance. As per the Virginia Literacy Act, it is also approved for specific instructional use.

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Connection to Benchmark Advance
Same phonics scope and sequence
Same concepts and knowledge building
Same write-in student book format
VLA-Approved for Use
Phonological and Phonemic Awareness

Express! Asset-Based Access to English

Print + Digital • Grades K-6

This English language development program is crafted for designated, protected, and grade-level instructional time that promotes language learning while also building knowledge and literacy skills.

Express! Asset-Based Access to English provides instruction that builds into and from core content in Benchmark Advance. As per the Virginia Literacy Act, it is also approved for specific instructional use.

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Connection to Benchmark Advance
Same vertical topic alignment
Same concepts and knowledge building
Same write-in student book format
Same skills and strategies
VLA-Approved for Use
Vocabulary K-5
Comprehension K-5

Steps to Advance Literacy Solutions

Print + Digital • Grades 2-6

This language comprehension intervention program is crafted for designated time with students who are in special education or need additional support in accessing complex texts and vocabulary as they build knowledge.

Steps to Advance Literacy Solutions provides an intervention resource that scaffolds students to complex texts in Benchmark Advance. As per the Virginia Literacy Act, it is also approved for specific instructional use.

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Connection to Benchmark Advance
Same vertical topic alignment
Same concepts and knowledge building
Same write-in student book format
Same skills and strategies
VLA-Approved for Use

Choose a Standalone Phonics Solution

Virginians seeking a comprehensive phonics resource exclusively can rely on the structured literacy approach and explicit, systematic, multimodal instruction of VLA-Approved Benchmark Phonics.

Benchmark Phonics

Print + Digital • Grades K-5

Designed by Wiley Blevins, Ed.D., this phonics program delivers Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction. Ten units, each containing 15 lessons, build vocabulary and knowledge through purposeful reading and writing. A robust review and repetition cycle facilitates learning and differentiation is built in for whole-group, small-group, and independent instruction.

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