Professional learning should provide curriculum-based support at every stage of program implementation, promote pedagogical knowledge building, model evidence-based best practices with instructional coaching, and foster collaboration between educators through professional conversation.
When teachers are supported with effective professional learning, everyone benefits.
Skilled teachers have a greater influence on student achievement than any other school variable.
—Opper, 2019; Chetty, Friedman & Rockoff, 2014
High-quality instructional materials (HQIM) align to standards, support rigorous instruction, are grounded in research, reflect diversity and inclusiveness, and are usable.
Usability is not much discussed as an element of high-quality materials, but with the right components in hand, easy to navigate and implement, teachers are more likely to use those resources with fidelity (Wang, Tuma, Doan, Henry, Lawrence, Woo & Kaufman, 2021)—saving time and increasing their effectiveness.
High-quality instructional materials matter too. When paired together, a teacher’s skilled use of effective materials boosts student outcomes.
—Chingos & Whitehurst, 2012
Teacher professional learning will prove effective when it:
—Herrmann & Grossman (2021)
But this pairing does not occur naturally, without support. Instead, evidence points to a critical variable— professional learning.
—Doan, Kaufman, Woo, Prado, Diliberti & Lee, 2002
As educators, we form a community of perpetual learners, emphasizing our commitment to continuous learning. Take advantage of opportunities provided at your school or district to further your professional learning. Beyond that, look for ways to sustain your learning throughout the year and align it to your professional goals.
Ways to integrate and sustain your professional learning:
30 Professional Learning videos from literacy experts like Wiley Blevins: research-based phonics routines, implementation videos, and more