Books & eBooks

Books & eBooks

Print + Digital • English & Spanish

Student texts build knowledge and vocabulary.

High-interest informational and literary texts feature real-world topics and multiple perspectives, developing literacy, content-area understanding, and critical thinking.

  • Build foundational reading skills and critical metacognitive strategies.
  • Encourage close reading and drive independent and partner practice.
  • Enjoy authentic literature, a rich array of genres, and all text types.
  • Benefit from detailed instructional support.

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Fiction and nonfiction book sets develop content-area understanding while developing essential literacy skills.

Step-by-step teacher support targets comprehension and vocabulary.

1-10 of 4747 results

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  1. Oliverio el despistado - 6-Pack
    Oliverio el despistado - 6-Pack WW-Y44686

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    Grade K - 1
  2. Stump Hill - 6-Pack
    Stump Hill - 6-Pack WW-A15544
    Stump Hill is three kids’ favorite place to play, but their neighborhood is thinking of changing it. Will the kids be able to save Stump Hill? Read this book to find out.
    Grade 2