Kirsten Widmer worked in New York City Public schools as both a teacher and literacy coach implementing a model for balanced literacy practices that served as a visitation site for teachers and administrators from across the country. After working as a Literacy Coach, she joined the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, helping to develop the middle school division. She co-authored Workshops That Work!: 30 Days of Minilessons, for upper elementary and middle school teachers launching reading and writing workshops in their classrooms. Kirsten co-founded The Living Literacy Network to support school districts in co-authoring curriculum, and implementing reading and writing workshop.
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Invite: Patty McGee to speak at your school.
Watch: Patty McGee shares PD insight in these videos from BEC
Watch: Developing Strong Readers at Any Distance, with Patty McGee
Watch: Patty McGee shares her perspective in BEC’s Developing Fearless Readers and Writers Panel Webinar
Listen: Patty McGee imparts wisdom on BEC’s Teachers Talk Shop podcast
Read: “4 Practices for Developing Strong Readers at Any Distance” by Patty McGee on the BEC blog