Benchmark Education Company

The Phonics
Provider of Choice

For more than two decades, educators have relied on high-quality phonics resources from Benchmark Education to develop the foundational reading skills of diverse students in a range of settings.

Our extensive array of phonics resources allows educators to choose the right combination of materials to meet specific learning needs.

Grades K-5 • Print + Digital • English & Spanish

Benchmark Education Consultant and Principal Author, ILA 2019 Literacy Leadership Brief: Meeting the Challenges of Early Literacy Phonics Instruction

We welcome the opportunity to partner with you in providing the best possible phonics instruction for each of your students.

Click any of the products below to see additional information or contact us to view samples, discuss a customized combination of supplemental resources, or for guidance in making a selection.

And don’t miss the support provided by our professional resources! Click here to learn more.

Benchmark Phonics

K-5 | Print + Digital 
Designed for Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction, Benchmark Phonics is based on the latest Science of Reading research and the seven foundations of strong phonics instruction. Unit topics are designed to build vocabulary and content knowledge, with application to reading and writing emphasized.  

Benchmark Phonics Intervention 

K-5 | Print + Digital  
Designed for Tier 3 intervention, the explicit, systematic phonics instruction in this program is ideal for students performing two or more years below grade-level expectations. Based on current reading research and aligned to the tenets of Structured Literacy, it contains sequential and multi-modal instruction and spiraled review and repetition.  



Benchmark Flagship Decodable Readers

K-1 | Print + Digital  
Practice phonics and high-frequency words in context while nurturing a love for reading. Decodable Readers offer authentic practice with phonics skills and sight words through fiction and nonfiction titles on high-interest topics with familiar storylines.  

Decodable Fluency Builders 

K-1 | Print + Digital   
Support and assist fluency development—the essential connection to comprehension—with high-quality phonics readers and Teacher Cards that include differentiation scaffolds and lesson plans, making direct connections to the skills students are learning in their reading blocks and providing essential practice. 

Grade 2 Decodable Passages 

Grade 2 | Print + Digital 
Build Automaticity with Decodable Reading Practice. Sixty decodable passages for phonics and foundational skills applications are delivered in a consumable format, allowing student annotations as they practice decoding—aligned to 10 knowledge-building topics to build language comprehension. 

Benchmark ePocket Chart 

K-2 | English & Spanish
A time-tested classroom tool, fully reimagined as a digital resource, delivers highly engaging foundational skills instruction and can be used alongside any phonics program. Ideal for in-class or online teaching and practice on phonological awareness, phoneme categorization, blending and word sorting, and high-frequency word instruction.

Phonics Skill Bags 

K-2 | Print + Digital
Each Phonics Skill Bag provides all the materials needed to teach an individual skill over a five-day cycle: 158 ready-to-use, teacher-friendly and research-based skill-specific units that include decodables, picture word card sheets, frieze cards, poetry posters, and more, to build a strong foundation in phonemic awareness, phonics, and word study.

RIGOR Skill Bags for Older Newcomers 

Grades 4-12 | Print + Digital | English & Spanish
Reading Instructional Goals for Older Readers, developed by Margarita Calderon, develops phonemic awareness and phonics skills and builds vocabulary, using picture card sheets, frieze cards, and letter card sheets. In grab-and-go skill bags.

Taller de fonetica y studio de palabras  

K-5 | Print + Digital 
Spanish phonics and word study features a research-based and purposeful scope and sequence with systematic skill progression and spiral review, explicit instruction with meaningful reading and writing practice, and built-in differentiation. 

Fonética y gramática 

K-2 | Print + Digital
Teach initial Spanish literacy skills with authentic Spanish poems, stories, and nonfiction. Explicit, systematic instruction matches the traditional Spanish phonics sequence. Decodable readers provide meaningful contexts for practicing phonics and reading skills.

Libros decodificables 

K-1 | Print + Digital
Practice and apply the explicit instruction in phonics and high-frequency words in decodable text. Spanish-appropriate methodology is addressed. Includes key literary, science, and social studies content.

Sound-Spelling Transfer Kit 

K-2 | Print + Digital | English & Spanish
Develop foundational skills and vocabulary for transfer between Spanish and English. Build on students’ understanding of their native language and maximize transfer, language acquisition, and biliteracy.


Benchmark Flagship Decodable Readers

K-5 | Print + Digital 
Spanish phonics and word study features a research-based and purposeful scope and sequence with systematic skill progression and spiral review, explicit instruction with meaningful reading and writing practice, and built-in differentiation. 

Decodable Fluency Builders 

K-1 | Print + Digital   
Support and assist fluency development—the essential connection to comprehension—with high-quality phonics readers and Teacher Cards that include differentiation scaffolds and lesson plans, making direct connections to the skills students are learning in their reading blocks and providing essential practice. 

Grade 2 Decodable Passages 

Grade 2 | Print + Digital 
Build Automaticity with Decodable Reading Practice. Sixty decodable passages for phonics and foundational skills applications are delivered in a consumable format, allowing student annotations as they practice decoding—aligned to 10 knowledge-building topics to build language comprehension. 

Benchmark ePocket Chart 

K-2 | English & Spanish
A time-tested classroom tool, fully reimagined as a digital resource, delivers highly engaging foundational skills instruction and can be used alongside any phonics program. Ideal for in-class or online teaching and practice on phonological awareness, phoneme categorization, blending and word sorting, and high-frequency word instruction.

Phonics Skill Bags

K-2 | Print + Digital
Each Phonics Skill Bag provides all the materials needed to teach an individual skill over a five-day cycle: 158 ready-to-use, teacher-friendly and research-based skill-specific units that include decodables, picture word card sheets, frieze cards, poetry posters, and more, to build a strong foundation in phonemic awareness, phonics, and word study.

RIGOR Skill Bags for Older Newcomers 

Grades 4-12 | Print + Digital | English & Spanish
Reading Instructional Goals for Older Readers, developed by Margarita Calderon, develops phonemic awareness and phonics skills and builds vocabulary, using picture card sheets, frieze cards, and letter card sheets. In grab-and-go skill bags.


Fonetica y gramatica 

K-2 | Print + Digital
Teach initial Spanish literacy skills with authentic Spanish poems, stories, and nonfiction. Explicit, systematic instruction matches the traditional Spanish phonics sequence. Decodable readers provide meaningful contexts for practicing phonics and reading skills.

Benchmark Primeros libros decodificables

K-1 | Print + Digital
Practice and apply the explicit instruction in phonics and high-frequency words in decodable text. Spanish-appropriate methodology is addressed. Includes key literary, science, and social studies content.

Sound-Spelling Transfer Kit 

K-2 | Print + Digital | English & Spanish
Develop foundational skills and vocabulary for transfer between Spanish and English. Build on students’ understanding of their native language and maximize transfer, language acquisition, and biliteracy.


Browse this selection of varied resources to support your phonics instruction. Click on any category to learn more or complete the form below to be contacted for assistance.


Professional Learning Suite

Meaningful Phonics and Word Study with Wiley Blevins

Multimedia courses cover critical topics at levels novice through advanced.

Demo Multimedia Courses

7 Video Classes (45 minutes each)

Companion PD Book to Frame Learning

Write-in Study Guide

Implementation Guide for Leaders

Teacher eNotebook

Access Webinars

Discover effective ways to improve literacy in our library of thorough, research-based webinars hosted by highly engaging experts.

Reading Fluency: The Bridge Between Phonics & Comprehension

Presented by Jan Hasbrouck, Ph.D.

Dr. Hasbrouck explains the crucial role of reading fluency in helping students progress from initial decoding to comprehending complex text.

Making Phonics Instruction More Meaningful and Effective

Presented by Wiley Blevins, Ed.M.

Wiley discusses the latest neuroscientific research and what it proves about the reading brain and reading instruction.

Meaningful Phonics & the Science of Reading

Presented by Wiley Blevins, Ed.M.

Phonics instruction has always been about making meaning. Success means embracing the belief that systematic, explicit phonics instruction is always purposefully included in children’s reading and writing.

Benchmark Education’s Teachers Talk Shop is your go-to podcast for expert tips and helpful stories behind the journey of great teaching.

Decodable Texts

Key Learning Tools for a Crucial Phase in a Reader’s Life

Not all decodables are created equal. In this podcast, Wiley Blevins explains why these books got a bad rap, how to find great ones, and what teachers can do with them to give Kindergarteners and first graders practice reading connected text and application to writing.

Systematic Phonics

Hey, Language Is a System, So Why Wouldn't We Teach It Like One?

In this podcast, Wiley Blevins explains why explicit, systematic instruction is not only scientifically proven but easier for teachers to implement than other approaches. Discover the power behind a defined scope and sequence, a built-in spiral review, and how to differentiate instruction in whole and small groups.

Check, Please

Quick Phonics Assessments So Learning Doesn’t Decay

Teachers need easy-to-use, efficient ways to check for mastery so students’ understanding builds swiftly and surely. In this podcast, Wiley Blevins explains the wisdom of assessing both accuracy and automaticity, and the how-tos of comprehensive and cumulative assessments.

Professional Books

Accessible titles provide expert guidance on developing foundational literacy skills that empower students to read and write successfully. 

Meaningful Phonics and Word Study

Meaningful Phonics and Word Study

Reading Fluency: Understand. Assess. Teach.

Reading Fluency: Understand. Assess. Teach.

Conquering Dyslexia

Conquering Dyslexia

At the Reading Table—Striving Readers

At the Reading Table—Striving Readers


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