Jack and the Hyperbolic Heist - 12-Pack

Detectives interview Jack, a teenager with an overactive imagination, who has confessed to stealing from Hugh Mongus, the big guy who lives in the big house up the hill.


  • Teacher's Guide
  • 12 Scripts
SKU WW-Y10781
Reader's Theater Word Plays,
Grade 3 - 7
Language English
SKU WW-Y10781
Series Reader's Theater Word Plays,
Grade 3 - 7
Language English
Content Area Language Arts
ISBN 9781450969017
Genre Plays
Format Print
Configuration 12-Pack
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Jack and the Hyperbolic Heist - 12-Pack

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Jack and the Hyperbolic Heist - 12-Pack


Included in Series:
Detectives interview Jack, a teenager with an overactive imagination, who has confessed to stealing from Hugh Mongus, the big guy who lives in the big house up the hill.
Detectives interview Jack, a teenager with an overactive imagination, who has confessed to stealing from Hugh Mongus, the big guy who lives in the big house up the hill. Read Less Description


  • Teacher's Guide
  • 12 Scripts
Detectives interview Jack, a teenager with an overactive imagination, who has confessed to stealing from Hugh Mongus, the big guy who lives in the big house up the hill.


  • Teacher's Guide
  • 12 Scripts
SKU WW-Y10781
Series Reader's Theater Wor Reader's Theater Word Plays
Grade 3 - 7
Language English
Content Area Language Arts
ISBN 9781450969017
Genre Plays
Format Print
Configuration 12-Pack


Full DescriptionDetectives interview Jack, a teenager with an overactive imagination, who has confessed to stealing from Hugh Mongus, the big guy who lives in the big house up the hill.

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