Reader's Theater Grade-Collection

Reader’s Theater: 

Grade-Level Collections  

Grades K-6 English & Spanish

Engage students in collaboration as they build fluency, comprehension, and knowledge.

  • Build Knowledge: Scripts align to Science, Social Studies, and ELA themes to build knowledge and language in context.
  • Build Fluency: Scripts model specific and different elements of fluency.
  • Build Confidence: 5-day lessons encourage repeated oral practice as students prepare for the performance. 

Click here to view our Spanish language series, Teatro del lector™ Grade-Level Collections.

“Reader’s Theater is an authentic, entertaining, and educationally powerful way to read and communicate meaning. Reader’s Theater yields improvements in students’ word recognition, fluency, and comprehension.” 

—Tim Rasinski, Fluency expert  

Build Knowledge within and across grades.  

  • 10 scripts per grade aligns to Science,
    Social Studies, & ELA standards to build
    knowledge and language in context.
  • Vertically aligned topics allow siblings to share knowledge and conversation from their
    specific classrooms.
  • Learn new facts and content knowledge while
    also increasing vocabulary.
  • More than just a script! Word study, biographical,
    or historical information provides background
    and context. 

“I have a K student and her sister is in 1st.  The mom loves how we are working on similar topics and the girls talk about them at home all the time. Ex.  The first grader picked a character and was talking about a trait her character had.  The K student said she knew about characters and traits and picked one of her own from a story she loves.  The mom loves how the girls are connecting. ”

– Connecticut Teacher

Each Reader’s Theatre script is used to model a specific element of fluency, such as pausing, pacing, intonation, prosody, or expression. 

  • Improve oral reading fluency.
  • Develop oral expression and speaking skills.
  • Boost decoding and word recognition skills.
  • Identify character traits and explore voice, mood,
    and feeling to dramatically express character traits.
Fluency Skill Subskill
Pausing Full Stop
Short Pause
Pacing Slow
Intonation Volume
Prosody High-Frequency Word Phrases
Prepositional Phrases
Compound Sentences
Units of Meaning
Expression Dramatic

“Systematic review & meta-analysis: readers’ theatre showed effects on fluency (accuracy, Automaticity, and prosody) and on comprehension. Appreciate that readers’ theatre can act as a pedagogical bridge between word reading & comprehension.” 

–Nell Duke, literacy researcher

Reader's Theater can add variety, fun, interest, and-most importantly--purpose to your reading time! 

  • Capitalize on students’ natural instincts for imagination, drama, and performance
  • Become motivated to read and reread.
  • Develop confidence and positive self-image.
  • Use imagination and creativity.
  • Extend attention span.
    Develop interpersonal, social, and collaborative skills.


Learn More about the
Reader’s Theatre Grade-Level Collections.

Title List

Access the K-6 script list.


Virtual Samples

Access sample pages of
student and teacher materials.

7 Items

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  1. Reader's Theater Collection Gr. K Print Set
    Reader's Theater Collection Gr. K Print Set WW-Y63380

    Build students’ knowledge, fluency, and confidence with this series of scripts that add variety, fun, and purpose to reading time. This Reader’s Theater for Grade K capitalizes on students’ natural instincts for imagination, drama, and performance and provides opportunities for collaborative oral reading. Aligning with Science, Social Studies, and ELA standards, these 60 scripts strengthen comprehension and vocabulary, engage diverse students in learning about key topics, and include character roles written at different text complexity levels to allow for proper student placement.

    Grade K
  2. Reader's Theater Collection Gr. 1 Print Set
    Reader's Theater Collection Gr. 1 Print Set WW-Y63381

    Build students’ knowledge, fluency, and confidence with this series of scripts that add variety, fun, and purpose to reading time. This Reader’s Theater for Grade 1 capitalizes on students’ natural instincts for imagination, drama, and performance and provides opportunities for collaborative oral reading. Aligning with Science, Social Studies, and ELA standards, these 84 scripts strengthen comprehension and vocabulary, engage diverse students in learning about key topics, and include character roles written at different text complexity levels to allow for proper student placement.

    Grade 1
  3. Reader's Theater Collection Gr. 2 Print Set
    Reader's Theater Collection Gr. 2 Print Set WW-Y63382

    Build students’ knowledge, fluency, and confidence with this series of scripts that add variety, fun, and purpose to reading time. This Reader’s Theater for Grade 2 capitalizes on students’ natural instincts for imagination, drama, and performance and provides opportunities for collaborative oral reading. Aligning with Science, Social Studies, and ELA standards, these 84 scripts strengthen comprehension and vocabulary, engage diverse students in learning about key topics, and include character roles written at different text complexity levels to allow for proper student placement.

    Grade 2
  4. Reader's Theater Collection Gr. 3 Print Set
    Reader's Theater Collection Gr. 3 Print Set WW-Y63383

    Build students’ knowledge, fluency, and confidence with this series of scripts that add variety, fun, and purpose to reading time. This Reader’s Theater for Grade 3 capitalizes on students’ natural instincts for imagination, drama, and performance and provides opportunities for collaborative oral reading. Aligning with Science, Social Studies, and ELA standards, these 96 scripts strengthen comprehension and vocabulary, engage diverse students in learning about key topics, and include character roles written at different text complexity levels to allow for proper student placement.

    Grade 3
  5. Reader's Theater Collection Gr. 4 Print Set
    Reader's Theater Collection Gr. 4 Print Set WW-Y63384

    Build students’ knowledge, fluency, and confidence with this series of scripts that add variety, fun, and purpose to reading time. This Reader’s Theater for Grade 4 capitalizes on students’ natural instincts for imagination, drama, and performance and provides opportunities for collaborative oral reading. Aligning with Science, Social Studies, and ELA standards, these 114 scripts strengthen comprehension and vocabulary, engage diverse students in learning about key topics, and include character roles written at different text complexity levels to allow for proper student placement.

    Grade 4
  6. Reader's Theater Collection Gr. 5 Print Set
    Reader's Theater Collection Gr. 5 Print Set WW-Y63385

    Build students’ knowledge, fluency, and confidence with this series of scripts that add variety, fun, and purpose to reading time. This Reader’s Theater for Grade 5 capitalizes on students’ natural instincts for imagination, drama, and performance and provides opportunities for collaborative oral reading. Aligning with Science, Social Studies, and ELA standards, these 90 scripts strengthen comprehension and vocabulary, engage diverse students in learning about key topics, and include character roles written at different text complexity levels to allow for proper student placement.

    Grade 5
  7. Reader's Theater Collection Gr. 6 Print Set
    Reader's Theater Collection Gr. 6 Print Set WW-Y63386

    Build students’ knowledge, fluency, and confidence with this series of scripts that add variety, fun, and purpose to reading time. This Reader’s Theater for Grade 6 capitalizes on students’ natural instincts for imagination, drama, and performance and provides opportunities for collaborative oral reading. Aligning with Science, Social Studies, and ELA standards, these 90 scripts strengthen comprehension and vocabulary, engage diverse students in learning about key topics, and include character roles written at different text complexity levels to allow for proper student placement.

    Grade 6