A Visit to the New Amsterdam - 12-Pack

While visiting their relatives in bustling New York City, Tammy and Tommy Time take a When Machine trip back to 1647, when New York was a tiny Dutch colony called New Amsterdam and the tallest building was a windmill.


  • Teacher's Guide
  • 12 Scripts
SKU WW-A42290
Reader's Theater Content-Area Concepts,
Grade 3 - 6
Language English
SKU WW-A42290
Series Reader's Theater Content-Area Concepts,
Grade 3 - 6
Language English
Content Area Social Studies
ISBN 9781450944618
Genre Plays
Format Print
Configuration 12-Pack
Theme United States History
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A Visit to the New Amsterdam - 12-Pack

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A Visit to the New Amsterdam - 12-Pack


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While visiting their relatives in bustling New York City, Tammy and Tommy Time take a When Machine trip back to 1647, when New York was a tiny Dutch colony called New Amsterdam and the tallest building was a windmill.

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While visiting their relatives in bustling New York City, Tammy and Tommy Time take a When Machine trip back to 1647, when New York was a tiny Dutch colony called New Amsterdam and the tallest building was a windmill. Read Less Description


  • Teacher's Guide
  • 12 Scripts

While visiting their relatives in bustling New York City, Tammy and Tommy Time take a When Machine trip back to 1647, when New York was a tiny Dutch colony called New Amsterdam and the tallest building was a windmill.

Read Full Description


  • Teacher's Guide
  • 12 Scripts
SKU WW-A42290
Series Reader's Theater Con Reader's Theater Content-Area Concepts
Grade 3 - 6
Language English
Content Area Social Studies
ISBN 9781450944618
Genre Plays
Format Print
Configuration 12-Pack
Theme United States Histor United States History


Full DescriptionWhile visiting their relatives in bustling New York City, Tammy and Tommy Time take a When Machine trip back to 1647, when New York was a tiny Dutch colony called New Amsterdam and the tallest building was a windmill.

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