
The Sciences of Reading and The Whole Child

Understanding the evolving research about how children learn is critical in bolstering reading success. Dr. Rachael Gabriel and Dr. Peter Afflerbach discuss the intersection of The Sciences of Reading and motivation, engagement, and self-efficacy and how it informs best instructional practices.

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Joyful Stories

During challenging times, joyful stories are more important than ever. Christine Taylor-Butler, author of more than 80 books and stories for young people, shares the importance of positive stories that affirm identity and provide uplifting experiences.

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Expanding the Science of Reading

The Science of Reading refers to a much-discussed body of research around how students learn to read. But what could be missing from the conversation? Dr. Peter Afflerbach discusses broadening our view of the science available to inform the instruction of developing readers—from phonics and phonemic awareness to metacognition, motivation and self-efficacy.

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Conquering Dyslexia: The Case for Early Identification and Intervention

Dr. Jan Hasbrouck describes the latest research on dyslexia, its early warning signs, and what families and educators can do to support success with structured literacy, multimodal experiences, and social-emotional support.

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Common Myths About Dyslexia—And the Facts that Debunk Them

Dr. Jan Hasbrouck defines dyslexia, clears up common misconceptions, and shares why this topic matters so much to her and should matter to everyone, in every school.

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Independent Reading

Author / educator Patty McGee talks with reading expert Laura Robb about how teachers can make the time and space for independent reading and how their students benefit when they commit to it.

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Read Aloud Essentials from Any Distance

Patty McGee and Adria Klein discuss how teachers and home-schooling parents can keep read alouds simple and instructionally effective while bringing the joy into reading with children.

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The Science of Reading

What Brain Research Says About How We Learn to Read

Teaching reading is one of the best gifts we can give a child because it can never be taken away. No wonder people get so whipped up about this topic. In this podcast, Wiley Blevins brings a calm voice to the hubbub about the Science of Reading, revealing how every educator can use its findings to meet the majority of young students’ literacy needs efficiently, effectively, and with equity. The best materials and best instruction, decoded.

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