Why Choose Benchmark Education Company

Knowledge Building for Comprehension

All skills and strategies are taught in support of knowledge building, comprehension, critical thinking, and expression. A purposefully designed framework connects K-6 students to the world through diverse texts and explicit instruction of literacy skills, supporting high expectations and achievement for every learner while developing knowledge and perspectives over time.

A knowledge-based framework is key to comprehending text.

Our programs feature a cohesive pathway for knowledge building, which is considered and supported at every turn:

  • A Knowledge Blueprint for each unit provides a tool for students to collect knowledge as they read, talk, and write.
  • An Essential Question focused on each unit’s topic guides students in building concepts, vocabulary, and content knowledge.
  • Enduring Understandings for each unit help students connect their learning to knowledge-building goals.
  • Knowledge-building topic libraries develop critical thinking as they deepen topic knowledge.
  • Key vocabulary—both academic and general—is encountered in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
  • Research and Inquiry Projects develop research skills as they build knowledge on the unit topic.

Knowledge Strands are consistently mapped across grade levels.

Students begin each grade with essential background information, and with each new year expand their topic knowledge and vocabulary.

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