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My Wish Lists
Support all learners in meeting grade-level competency with instuction and practice designed to meet Common Core State Standards. These resources for students and teachers address key instructional shifts and prepare students for rigorous new expectations.
Prepare stuents to succeed in all types of questions and passages.
Reproducible books with easy-tear answer keys feature passages and questions that mirror the exams
Stragtegies and Support for Meeting the ELA Common Core Standards
These handy laminated guides put the CCSS ELA Standards at your fingertips, right alongside sentence frames for building text-dependent questions, writing prompts for writing to sources, and more!
Stragtegies and Support for Meeting the Mathematics Common Core Standards.
These handy laminated guides put the CCSS Mathematics Standards at your fingertips, with stratgies and hands-on examples to help you integrate the 8 mathematical practices as you teach grade-level content standards.